Monday, July 30, 2007

Birthday Weekend - July 28-29

Why is it everyone goes on holiday during my birthday? Luckily Michelle came through once again and the two of us headed to Pinery at Grand Bend for a weekend of camping. We took our bikes with us but they didn't leave the rack all weekend. :( Michelle was nursing a bug and I had to do a couple of runs to keep up with my Half Marathon training. Saturday was only a 4K but on Sunday I ran 15K over two hours. The campground was so huge that I didn't cover a fraction of it over that time!

The weather was fantastic and the natural beauty of the park was wonderful. We had some beach time both days - my first this summer! I even had time to finish reading Harry Potter. Overindulged in snacks and ice cream cake so now am on the straight and narrow as I head into a race this weekend. I'm doing Belwood on Sunday. I'm a bit concerned over its longer length but know that I will persever. 'til next time!

1 comment:

Zach said...

I want some of that ice cream cake!

I still can believe you let it melt overnight in a cooler, boooooo.

oh, and is that coffee you're having with it in the Thor mug? yum.