A very interesting drive today. The 20 switchbacks required 30-some odd turns to get us to our mountain top destination. The road is one way with traffic going up in the morning and down in the afternoon. The road was very narrow with no shoulders yet three little cars managed to snake their way by our little van. Most of the way the mountain side was very arid with yellowed grass and cacti. It wasn't until we got near the top that we saw snow.
It is very warm. I walked around wearing only a long sleaved t-shirt and jeans. The sun is bright and you can see for miles. Our hotel is perched at the top of a ridge. You have to walk up three sets of stairs before you can even begin walking up to the third floor that I'm on. The rooms are actually little suites with two bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, a living room and kitchenette. They are very basic and a little less than clean. There are three people per suite and I'm lucky enough to have the single room with Queen sized bed in mine. I have a big closet with tons of shelves and a window with an incredible view of the mountainscape with Santiago lit up below. There was a beautiful sunset view tonight. My two roommates are Ginnie from Edmonton and Shelley from Toronto. I know them, and for that matter everyone else on the trip, from Zermatt.
What we can see of the ski area actually reminds me of Zermatt. We are above the tree line with wide open runs and lots of suface lifts. We'll see what I think of it tomorrow. There is nothing else really here other than the skiing.
Everyone has already gone to sleep and I will be joining them shortly. Good night!
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