Friday, March 28, 2008

Level 3 Exams - Friday morning

I have been skiing for four hours and not wanted to stop as I'm having so much fun! I've decided it's time to finally take a break so I'm in my condo for a lunch break before heading back out. I've run into a TON of people I know today. Doug Leeming is training a group of 9 people - most of whom are going on exams tomorrow. I skied with a couple of of his group- Helga and Rory - before their session this morning. I watched the group come down a couple of times and some already looked stiff and nervous. I think I made the better decision going it alone.

I didn't end up alone though. I met up with Melody, a L3 coach with the HAD team who coaches out of Mansfield. Melody and I recognized each other from a training day with Sandy. She's a fantastic skier and has her L3 teaching. Don't know how she doesn't have her skiing! She has been helping me with my wedge turns while I have been helping her with Intermediate Parallel. We gave each other tips in short radius and the bumps. Her Dynamic Parallel is awesome. I'll have to synchro it this afternoon.

The day started off with HARD packed snow but has now softened up. Perfect for more bumps in the afternoon! I'll have to put on more sunscreen, sunglasses, and a shell. This is the closest I've gotten to spring skiing all year. Should be great for CSIA Fun Day, Mansfield, and oh yeah, the L3 exams tomorrow.

Melody heard from Steve Young, who she rents a room from, that it is Sandy and Jason Scott examining tomorrow. But I ran into Meredith today and she says there is 28 people signed up. Given the number of people I know taking it, I would think that is more realistic. Steve and Sandy are probably just two of the examiners.

Well, better head back out. TTYS.

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