On my last day I wanted to return to Sunshine as I had only spent one day there and it had the best snow, both in terms of coverage and consistency. Mike Romano from Voyageurs was in Calgary for a family wedding so we arranged to meet and ski together. I was a little worried as the forecast was for -16C temperatures but the day turned out to be amazing. It was our first sunny day from start to finish. There was even a vertical rainbow in the centre of the resort for most of the day. The snow was fantastic - tons of loose snow and no icy patches like Lake Louise and Norquay. My freshly tuned edges felt sooooo much better than my railed skis did at Norquay.
Mike and I skiied A LOT. We skiied off every lift and spent a great deal of time at Goat's Eye as conditions were better there than when I was there earlier in the week. We started pretty much when the lifts opened and skiied through to around 3:00 pm. With my "private shuttle" (Mike's rented Prius) I was back in no time and even had time to go for a hot tub before beginning to pack.
The group went to Bumpers for another beef dinner. I swear I am not going to eat steak or any kind of beef for probably three months after this trip! We will be leaving early tomorrow for Calgary. So another trip winds down. I am glad I got a lot of big mountain skiing in. I am happy I found some great people to ski with. After over two weeks away from home I am actually looking forward to seeing my renovated condo, sleeping in my own bed, and just being by myself doing what I want when I want. Ahhhhh!